
Frequently Asked Questions

Here you can find the most common questions regarding our email data cleaning services.

If you have a question that is not answered here, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Most commonly asked

Can I clean and test for FREE?

If you sign up with us you will get 100 credits to start cleaning for FREE.

Create your free account here (no credit card needed).
What is your cleaning rate?
We remove at least 97% of any existing unwanted data in your email data.

Our extensive email cleaning processes hardly miss a bad email address.
How fast can I clean my data?
Cleaning speed depends if you use the single clean function via API (which cleans 1 email address at a time), or if you use the list clean API (which cleans many at once).

The speeds are:
Single Clean API: 3 per second
List clean API: 100,000 per hour.

It does not matter if you upload your list via our backend, API or Mailwizz Extension... The cleaning speed is always the same.
Do you have a Mailwizz extension available as well?
Yes we do!

You can find the mailwizz extension in the downloads section of your account page.
General info
Do you offer a FREE trial credits?

If you sign up with us you will get 100 credits to start cleaning for FREE.
Do I need a credit card?
NO you don't.

Since we embrace crypto we prefer if you pay using crypto currency, but we also support creditcard payments via Stripe.
Do cleaning credits expire?
NO! Credits never expire!

Your credits stay yours!
Purchased credit will alway be yours and will never expire!
Even if we would ever change our pricing, your credits remain the same.
I lost my credentials, what should I do?
In case you lost your password you can easily do a password reset using the password reset page with your email address.

In case you lost access to your account' email address, please contact support.
Is this service GDPR compliant?

Our services are fully GDPR compliant.
Order handling
How can I place an order?
Please select any of the available credit packages you would need from our pricing page and upon payment your credits are automatically added to your account.
What kind of document types do you accept?
At this time we support CSV files only.
How fast will my uploaded list be processed?
When uploading your list our systems first check how many credits are needed to clean the list.

If you have sufficient credits, our systems will start the cleaning process within seconds.

On average our cleaning speed for list cleaning is:
CSV List cleaning: 100,000 per hour.

It does not matter if you upload your list via our backend, API or Mailwizz Extension... The cleaning speed is always the same.
I have multiple columns in my csv file, what now?
No worries!

Many services only provide back a list of emails which are clean, but we return the CSV as you have uploaded it. With all the columns and values in tact.
I have more records in my file than credits
If you have more records in your file than you have credits in your account, your file will not be processed until you have sufficient credits in your account.

Important: Uploaded files to clean can't be cancelled.
Can I only pay with crypto currencies?
No, We support both crypto as credit card payments.

We embrace all the positives crypto stands for. Low processing fees, security and privacy being just a few of them.

In case you are new to crypto, please reach out, so we can assist you where needed.
Why is there a credit card processing fee?
Due to the substantial processing fees imposed by payment processors and the increased risks associated with accepting credit card payments, we find it necessary to implement a surcharge for such transactions of 4.5%.

To minimize these unnecessary costs, we strongly encourage the use of cryptocurrency payments, which not only benefit you but also help mitigate the expenses incurred by payment processors.
What Cryptocurrencies do you support?
We currently support:
  • Bitcoin (BTC)
  • Litecoin (LTC)
  • Bitcoin Cash (BCH)
  • Dogecoin (DOGE)
  • Monero (XMR)
  • Do you have discount codes?
    YES, We do!

    Right now we offer 10% discount on your first order. Use coupon code FIRST10 when ordering to apply the discount.

    We share new discount codes on many forums.
    Do cleaning credits expire?
    NO! Credits never expire!

    Your credits stay yours!
    Purchased credits will alway be yours and will never expire!
    Even if we would ever change our pricing, your credits remain the same.
    Refund policy
    Do to the nature of our business we are not able to offer any refunds.

    In the unlikely event of a technical malfunction, credits will be rewarded back to your account, so you can reprocess the affected records.
    Technical question?
    Please contact technical support via: support@listcleaner.net

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